Vipassana Meditation is the practice of deeply focusing your mind. It can promote relaxation, mindfulness, and a better sense of inner peace.

There are many ways to meditate. One technique is Vipassana meditation, also known as insight meditation. With this method, you practice self-observation by focusing on your inner self in a nonjudgmental way.

Like other forms of meditation, Vipassana is beneficial for both your mind and body.

This article will explore the benefits of Vipassana and how to get started with this meditation technique.


When one develops insight realizing impermanence as impermanence, leads to the realization of suffering which in turn leads to the realization of non-self. This realization does not come automatically. While maintaining total mindfulness, you must contemplate impermanence, and only then will you be able to realize impermanent things as impermanent. If you can practice contemplation of impermanence through mindfulness of breathing, Buddha teaches that you will be able to refrain from being attached to anything (naca kinci loke upādiyati ). That means the meditator will not grasp a view of I, mine, or myself with regard to breathing and will have a mind of total freedom. This will help us further develop wisdom, further develop awareness and attain a complete understanding of life.